A Question of Health

We’re all consumers, and we’re all hand-fed the same shitty labels and ideas that companies are trying to sell us. Buzz words like “fat free” and food trends like “gluten free” are all around us, and everyone assumes that it’s healthy because they’ve seen it on the news or heard it from their friend. I hardly know any person that truly knows what food would actually constitute as healthy. And that drives me a little insane.

Foodporn Burger

Potatoes are vegetables so this is healthy

The largest misconception people have about being healthy is the awful and somehow go-to method that society has created: going on a diet. The word diet literally means the types of food that you normally eat. You don’t GO on a diet, you HAVE a diet. Going on a diet implies that you will go back to the way did eat, whereas changing your diet is a lifestyle choice.

Magazine Cover

Sell your soul, buy this magazine


The idea that if you eat things in moderation you’ll be healthy is fine, maybe even true. But that’s simply a justification for munching on oreos and gulping down soda. There is nothing wrong with those behaviors with the exception of the justification. Admit that you’re aware they’re bad for your body despite their deliciousness.

Even further than that, changing your diet or eating habits changes your taste buds. If you stay away from sugary drinks long enough and try to go back to them, all you’ll taste is the sugars. If you cut out table salt (which is awful for the body) then you’ll start to notice it in a more negative light.

It’s important to remember that everything your food consumed, you consume as well. Fruits with pesticides go into your body. Animals given antibiotics go into your body (if you choose).

This one really gets to me: the idea of the salad. There’s this social connotation that only women who are trying to lose weight and feminine men eat salads. Firstly, having a salad with dressing is not healthy. Squeeze some lemon or lime on that shit and it’ll be delicious. Secondly, if you want to eat healthier and feel self-conscious, fuck everyone around you because at the end of the day you’ll have more energy and they’ll feel like shit from their McDonalds lunch.


Half the battle of eating healthy foods is that people feel they’re missing out. Change the way you think: salads can be really good if you put fresh ingredients in them. Think about how amazing a meal looks when it’s all colorful and full of flavor. Cooking for yourself is better than going out since restaurants use insane amounts of salt and you can control your portion.

This wasn’t meant to be a rant about salad so much as how misinformed some can be. My general point is to think just a tiny bit before you order your food or put the fork in your mouth. Think about what you’re putting into your body.

(This rant brought to you because I love food)